I attended the annual conference of the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers last weekend (Sept 8-10) and gave a presentation titled "Start Your Publishing Career with Short Fiction." For a free copy, go to the Contact tab and send me your email address. I'll email you a PDF file with the PowerPoint charts and notes. The presentation gives a bit of my journey to publishing short stories and provides my recommendations for how to learn the craft of writing commercial fiction. Then I show how to find the markets that pay for stories in every genre using a free online website called The Submission Grinder.
I also was happy to see Susie Lindau there (see picture), who is a terrific writer and former member of my RMFW critique group. Her novel, The Deadline, was a finalist in the 2023 Colorado Gold Rush Literary Awards contest in the category Mainstream, Literary. Although she did not win, being a finalist was a nice accolade to have when she pitched the book to an agent at the conference.
Another person from my critique group, Mindy Kinnaman, was also a finalist for the Colorado Gold Rush Literary Awards. Her book, Closer Than You Know, was the WINNER in the category Women's Fiction, Romance. Our critique group is reading the full manuscript, and it's a terrific example of Romantic Suspense. Congratulations, Mindy!